<The Fairfield Review - 1/97 to present
Founder and Editor Webmaster
Mr. Happ founded and edits Connecticut's first on-line literary magazine, The Fairfield Review, at www.fairfieldreview.org . This semi-annual e-zine was established in 1997, and attracts over 5,500 readers per issue and a growing number of promising writers. The web-site, which he created and manages, also provides local information on literary events, and links to other literary sites of potential interest. As a non-profit organization, TFR works with other on-line literary groups worldwide on assorted joint ventures to further the literary arts of poetry and short fiction.
<St. Francis Episcopal Church - 8/91 to present
Stewardship Committee Chairman Vestry Member Warden of the Vestry Finance Committee Building Committee Chairman Treasurer
Mr. Happ has been an active member of St. Francis Church for the past nineteen years, where he has contributed his management skills to help navigate the parish through difficult times and situations. The Church recently completed a $1.9M building project, for which Mr. Happ served as chairman of the Building Committee.