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#Can be sorted descendingTitleShort Quote
001Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done "...everyone has unforeseen events that come along, and the people who ultimately succeed are those who overcome them." --Larry Bossidy
001Doing the right things Leadership is doing the right things." --Peter F. Drucker
002Welcome to IS boot camp"Experiencing the quick results of rapid prototyping, with real data presented in a visual way, often has this ['I don't believe it'] effect on senior managers. They suddenly see possibilities where before they had seen only barriers. " --George Harrar
002Banker to the Poor
003Quote on reading the future"The art of prophecy is very difficult-- especially with respect to the future." --Mark Twain
004Growing a Business"There's no way to instill a positive customer service ethic before you embody a positive employee ethic. Responsiveness in, responsiveness out." -- Paul Hawken
005The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning"Indeed, the whole nature of strategy making -- dynamic, irregular, discontinuous, calling for groping, interactive processes with an emphasis on learning and synthesis -- compels managers to favor intuition. This is probably why all those analytical techniques of planning felt so wrong. ... Ultimately, the term "strategic planning" has proved to be an oxymoron." --Henry Mintzberg
006The One-to-One Future: Building relationships One Customer at a Time"When two marketers are competing for the same customers business, all other things being equal, the marketer with the greatest scope of information about that particular customer -- the marketer with the most extensive and intimate relationship with that customer -- will be the more efficient competitor." -- Peppers & Rogers
007The Culture(s) of Prototyping"Effective prototyping may be the most valuable 'core competence' an innovative organization can hope to have." -- Michael Schrage
008Quote from "Strategic Planning R.I.P.""A good deal of corporate planning ... is like a ritual rain dance. It has no effect on the weather that follows, but those who engage in it think it does. ... Moreover, much of the advice related to corporate planning is directed at improving the dancing, not the weather." -- Brian Quinn
009The Soul of a New Machine"Promising to achieve a nearly impossible schedule was a way of signing up... Signing up required, of course, that you fervently desire the right to build your machine and that you do whatever was necessary for success..." --Tracy Kidder
010Leadership and the Organizational Puzzle"The wise leader takes action to put the pieces of the organizational puzzle together in a way that energizes not only the knowledge of the firm but the people who are at its center." --E. Happ
011Vital Signs (quoted within)"Teams that don't keep score are only practicing." --Tom Malone
012Informed Decisions"A fundamental responsibility of all managers is to make informed decisions ... for leaders, it is decisiveness." --E. Happ
013Riding the Waves of Culture. "The universalist approach is roughly: 'What is good and right can be defined and always applies.' In particularist cultures far greater attention is given to the obligations of relationships and unique circumstances." --Fons Trompenaars
014Estimating Software Development Projects"Software development projects typically suffer from estimates that no one takes seriously and schedules that look as if they were developed using darts thrown at a wall calendar." --Stan Zawrotny
015The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning"Planners may be rightfully concerned about Rambo-type behavior in management -- "fire-fire-fire" in every direction, with no aiming. But managers must be equally wary of planning behavior that amounts to "Ready. Aim. Aim." --Henry Mintzberg
016Beginning Consulting"...my 'flare' is to stand up infront of audiences and say something. Others would do better writing. Or cold calling. Or attending cocktail parties." --Bill Birnbaum
016The best executive"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it."
-- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
017Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will"Too often we measure everything and understand nothing. The three most important things you need to measure in a business are customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and cash flow." --Jack Welch
018Quick Prototypes: Innovation's Trump Card"Effective prototyping may be the most valuable 'core competence' an innovative organization can hope to have." --Michael Schrage
019The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning"What is sometimes not appreciated is that there is no such thing as an 'optimal' strategy, calculated via some formal process. Intended strategies have no value in and of themselves; they take on value only as committed people infuse them with energy...." --Henry Mintzberg
020Detroit Muscle"You can't look good at your end of the boat if the other end is sinking." --Chet Huber
0211001 Ways to Reward Employees"... a primary reason why most managers do not more frequently reward and recognize employees is that they lack the time and creativity to come up with ways to do it." --Bob Nelson
022The Key to Product Management Success"The key to product management success is frequent communication and interaction among all the constituents, from beginning to end of the product life cycle. How to do this well, yet efficiently, is the challenge." --E. Happ
023Liberation Management"Project managers must appreciate forests and trees equally. 'Big picture' project managers will come a cropper over details. 'God is in the details' project managers may miss the main game. Project managers must be able to see the relationship of the small to the big, the big to the small -- and do so at every moment, simultaneously." --Tom Peters
024House Painters and Prozac"I believe traditional job security is gone, and not just in my Silicon Valley environs. I believe, along with British management guru Charles Handy, that a 'career' tomorrow will most likely consist of a dozen jobs, on and off payrolls of large and small firms, in two or three industries." --Tom Peters
025Case Study: "How top management can help teams succeed""The most responsible top managers don't see their role just to 'lead' a team-based organization--they are part of it. They assume the responsibility to set the example for the development of cross- functional teaming by operating as a team at the top. " --IndustryWeek/Virtual Organization Inc.
026The Service Edge"Consumers who had problems, complained, and had their problems satisfactorily resolved were more likely to be 'brand loyal' than consumers without problems, and significantly more loyal than customers who experienced problems but failed to register a complaint." --Rom Zemke, citing the TARP Study
027Moments of Truth"A decentralized company is much more in need of good measurement methods than is a hierarchical, centralized organization. ...in a decentralized organization, employees at all levels must understand exactly what the target is and how best to achieve it." --Jan Carlzon

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