Our Washington DC Trip
April 21-25, 2004
Day one strolling on "The Mall."
The Air & Space Museum. Orville Wright at the controls
The Capital Dome, from the inside :)
The fresco at the top of the Capital Dome. Note George Washington, center stage
on the clouds of heaven.
The frieze around the capital Dome Base. Three artists worked on the project. It ends
with the Wright brothers.
One of the original copies of the Magna Carta (circa 1215), in gold, on loan from the UK.
The Capital Dome, from the outside :)
A family shot, inside the Library of Congress. Are we tired of walking yet?
The Library of Congress ceiling, with people.
The Library of Congress ceiling, without people.
Scott gets close to his first million.
Yes, that's a tall stack.
The boys check out their height in cool (shredded) cash.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing ceiling (Do you sense a theme here?)
Outside the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. That's David and
Scott holding up the pillar.
Still outside the Bureau of E & P. Close-up.
No comment.
Jefferson Memorial, from the rear.
"George W. does not cut the lawn!"
Yes, it's the Lincoln Memorial. We were here.
From inside the Lincoln Memorial.
On the Lincoln Memorial steps, looking out over the reflecting pool.
Is the Washington Monument taller than the Reflecting Pool is long? We need to ask the next guy.
Albert Einstein. One of Ed's boyhood heroes. Despite the
posture, he was no slouch.
Document last modified on: 04/27/2004
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