HPMD M-IQ Survey

Your Name: required
Your Company:
Your Job Function: required
Industry: required
Company Size:
(number of employees in this business unit)
Company Size:
(annual $ sales)
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A Self Quiz

For each question, select the response that best describes the situation for your local business unit. When you are through, press the submit button at the bottom of the form and we will email you the results.

In order to evaluate your survey, we need you to complete the above table of information. Your survey may be used to tabulate aggregate information by industry, company size, etc. However, your identity will be kept anonymous.

If you have any questions before proceeding please contact mailto:ehapp@hpmd.com

1.Who in your business unit knows what your customers' expectations for your products and services are?

2.When was the last time you surveyed your customers to determine how satisfied they are with your products and services?

3.How often do you get specific, concrete feedback that tells you whether you're meeting or exceeding your customer's expectations?

4.Do you know the top 3 areas you need to change to improve your customers' satisfaction levels?

5.How often do you get measure whether you're improving on your customer's top three issues?

6.How often do you get a report that tells you whether you're delivering your products and services to your customers on time?

7.How often do you get a report that tells you whether you're delivering your products and services to your customers cost effectively?

8.When was the last time you surveyed your employees to determine how satisfied they are with management and their work environment?

9.Do you know the top 3 areas you need to change to improve your employees' satisfaction levels?

10.How often do you measure whether you're improving on your employee's top three issues?

11.When was the last time objectives were set with each employee?

12.How often are these objectives reviewed with each employee?

13.How often are employees briefed on your business unit financial and non-financial performance results?

14.Do you know the top 3 areas of operations (e.g. customer billing) that need efficiency improvements?

15.Do you know the top 3 customer-valued processes that need quality improvements?

16.How often do you get a report showing whether you're improving on your top three operations issues?

17.Do you know how your key operating efficiency measures compare to other companies in your industry?

18.How often do you measure the status of the action plans to address the top issues uncovered on your latest client or employee surveys?

19.How often do you get a report that tells you overall health of your business unit?

20.How many reports do you need to read to get a complete picture of your business unit's health?

21.On average, how many pages of information do you need search through to find a piece of significant information about your business unit?

22.Does your business unit have a strategic or annual business plan?

23.Do you have specific objectives that are linked to your business unit strategic plan?

24.How often do you formally review progress on your strategic plan objectives?

25.Are group and individual performance reviews tied to measures based on the strategic objectives?

26.Are incentives and bonuses tied to measures based on the strategic objectives?

27.How often are your business results celebrated with a special event?


The following questions are optional. Your answers may be as long or short as you like.

28. Comments about this survey?

29. Other Comments?

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Document last modified on: 01/16/2025

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