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Letters to a Young Manager

Confidence Ratings, #627

Please note that this letter is in-process; the following are my notes

Dear Adam,
From the 2/3/25 D4G meeting:
that measure, we would take that confidence measure every couple of weeks during the project when I was managing teams. And that ended up being one of the best indicators of the success of a project because the team individually and then as a whole has a better sense of, where the team is, how many problems you have to overcome and whether your comfort level is high to reach that.

And so we would then be able to report to senior management. We actually did a chart of saying here's what our average confidence ratings were for hitting this release. So it's a technique I like to use and it means that everybody has a voice and you get to hear. Also there's a little bit of peer pressure too, because you get to hear what your peers are saying too

Note the project management dashboard for the Donor Management System from 2009 at STC:
Sincerely yours,



The project team's confidence level is a leading indicator of project and product release timeliness.

Discussion Questions:

For Further Reading:

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