When you don't have the freedom to speak up about an injustice, sometimes you need to make a silent protest.
Right after the dotcom bubble burst, around 2001 or 2002, at Save the Children , we had these massive arbitrary budget cuts. Each department was told you have to cut 10-12% off of your budget. There is no way to make that kind of cut without laying off people.
I'm not arguing about the need for a large reduction in expenses, especially in the face of a steep decline in grants and revenue. But department managers were not part of the process to come up with where they could cut and not cut expenditures. So this was something done to us rather than by us. We complied, but there was no buy-in. And our trust in senior management was impaired.
And so I decided after that exercise, I'm going to do something that nobody can tell me to cut. So I grew a beard, man, it stayed with me since. It's my silent reminder of the importance that I get to decide. |